Electric Desert Music
Left SA at 21 for the UK in the early 70's. Surrounded by rock icons in the wilds of the English countryside was soon hooked up with singer Leo Sayer for a Speakeasy debut and US expats Daddy Longlegs (below) for touring and recording.
LtoR in photo: Thom Mitz -bass, Cliff Carrison - drums, Norton Holderman - guitar and yrs truly, hat....

I've always loved film and the process of film-making, right from the early years in South Africa, where I would snap rhino with my first SLR, an Asahi Pentax, and develop in the home darkroom, actually a converted closet, using my precious Durst enlarger.
White rhino in the Umfolozi Game Reserve, Natal , S. Africa
Photo: P. Measroch 1963
So it was that in the mid-1980's, trying to supplement my income from music, I found myself a job in film post-production. This later became a parallel career in Montreal, from which I am now retired, but for those interested here is a link to my IMDB page which details those years.
Musically there were good networking opportunities and I found myself writing small scores and incidental music for some of the projects I was involved in, as well as scoring for animation.
Some of this music can be found in these pages....